Bitbucket Server

Git Flow Chart

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Many teams use Git flow as their branching strategy and development workflow. It is commonly explained using a colorful chart that shows the master and develop branches as vertical lines with the feature branches to one side and relase and hotfix branches between them.

If you run 'git log --graph' on a repo or when you look at the graph in a UI tool like SourceTree, the chart looks nothing like the git flow graph. The straight vertical line is not necessarily the master or develop branch. It is very hard to see if everyone is correctly following the branching pattern or if something odd has happened.

Git Flow Chart draws your commits as the chart explaining git flow. This will give much better insight in the current state of the repository, showin the feature branches as straight lines branching from develop and merging back when finished. Color coding indicates whether a commit is on a feature branch, a release branch or on develop or master.

For better insight in what is part of a specific feature branch, you can click any commit to highlight all commits and branch lines that are part of its ancestry. This is especially useful when you have many parallel feature branches. Of course, you can also click through to the standard Stash commit details.