FFCP (DC) - Macro appearance

FFCP (DC) - Macro appearance

Macro appearance

When adding your Figma design to a Confluence page, Figma for Confluence Pro allows you to choose between three different types that will determine the appearance of the macro on the page.

Panel default

The panel is our new default view for embedding Figma designs. It shows the design in a collapsible panel with a header that includes the name of the design, version information and the ability to collapse/expand the panel. The design is scaled to fit the width and height of the macro. You can use the button in the panel footer to zoom the design to the original dimensions.

FFC DC - Macro appearance (1) .png
FFC DC - Macro appearance (2).png


If you wish to include designs in situations in which space is limited, for instance in a section or a table column, you can choose the Frameless view. This shows the design and nothing else in the most compact way possible. Hovering over the design will reveal additional buttons. To hide the buttons, simply move your cursor outside of the embedded design.

FFC DC - Macro appearance (3).png


FFC DC - Macro appearance (4).png


FFC DC - Macro appearance (5).png



Canvas (Prototypes/Figjam)

For a more interactive view of the Figma design, you can select the Canvas type. The Figma design will be embedded into the Confluence page using the official Figma embed viewer. This is particularly useful when adding prototypes or FigJam files.

When displaying Figma designs in the Canvas, you will be able to pan & zoom and to drag the design around for a more detailed view.

FFC DC - Macro appearance (6).png
FFC DC - Macro appearance (7).png

Please note that when viewing private Figma files in the Canvas view, users will be required to log in with their Figma account. If you wish to share the file anonymously, you will need to make sure the Figma sharing settings are set to "can be viewed by everyone with the link". 

Detailed Information panel

Each of the view types comes with an information panel that provides additional information about the design. You can easily access this information panel via the info icon in the top right corner to find out more about the file, branch, version and more without leaving Confluence.

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