Opening the app
Opening the app
After installation the app will become available at the following locations:
Issue Glance
Navigate to one of your Jira projects and open an existing Jira ticketIssue
On the right side of your screen, inside the Details panel, click Open Snippets for JSMJira
From here you can create & use snippets quickly while working on Jira issues.
Snippet Manager
Navigate to the Apps menu in your top navigation bar
Click on Snippet Manager
The Snippet Manager page allows you to view, edit, delete and share your snippets.
Creating Snippets
Issue Glance
After opening the app in the issue glance click on Add Snippet
Upon clicking on Open Snippets for JSM Add Snippet the New Snippet dialog will open
Creating a Snippet
Select the folder you would like to add a snippet to
Snippets can only exist within the context of a folderIf there are no folders please make sure to create a folder first.
This can be done within the context of the New Snippet dialog by clicking on <create new private/shared folder>.Fill in a title for your Snippet
We recommend giving your Snippets unique names as this makes it easier to find them when neededAdd your Snippet text
You can use Jira smart values in your snippet to dynamically add contextual informationYou can add properties like visibility, project type(s) and labels to the Snippet
These properties can be used to filter Snippets to make it easier to find them when needed.
By default, the issue glance will show Snippets for the current project typeClick Add snippet
Your snippet is now added and ready to be used 🎉
To create more snippets, click the Add Snippet button in the top right side of the application.
Snippet Manager
After opening the Snippet Manager page, the My Snippets section will show
Click on Add Snippet
Upon clicking on Add Snippet the New Snippet dialog will openFill in a title for your Snippet in the title field
We recommend giving your Snippets unique names as this makes it easier to find them when neededAdd your Snippet text in the text field
You can use support Jira smart values in your snippet to dynamically add contextual informationClick addYou can add properties like visibility, project type(s) and labels to the Snippet
These properties can be used to filter Snippets to make it easier to find them when needed.Click Add snippet
Your snippet is now saved added and ready to be used 🎉
To create more snippets, click the Add Snippet button in the top right side of the application.
Using Snippets
After creating your first Snippet, you' ll be sent to the Your snippets section, this is where you'll find all of the available Snippets
Modifying Snippets
Making adjustments to snippets is the same when the issue glance view or in the snippet manager.
To edit a Snippet, click on Edit snippet in the triple dot menu
To delete a Snippet, click on Delete snippet in the triple dot menu
To duplicate a Snippet, click on Duplicate snippet in the triple dot menu
In the Duplicate snippet dialog you can select in which folder you would like to create the duplicatea new title, project type and/or labels
Using Snippets
From the Issue Glance
The most convenient way to use Snippets is directly from the Issue Glance. You can use filters and/or the search field to find the Snippet you want to use within your issue description or in a new comment.
If you click on a Snippet from the Issue Glance, the Snippet content will be automatically copied to your clipboard. You can also click on the copy icon in the top right corner of the Snippet.
Any Jira smart valuesused in the Snippet will be replaced when copied. The Snippet is ready to be used by simply pasting it (ctrl+v or cmd+v) into the text editor.
From the Snippet Manager
You can also copy Snippets from the Snippet Manager by clicking on the copy icon in the top right corner of the Snippet. Because the Snippet Manager does not have any contextual information, Jira smart valueswill not be substituted.