Item View

Adding Whimsical Embedded to your Item View

  1. Install the Whimsical Embedded app

  2. Navigate to one of your boards or add a new board

  3. Click on one of the items on your board

  4. Click Add view

  5. Search and select the Whimsical Embedded app

  6. Click on Settings

  7. Click on the Select a column dropdown

  8. Click on Create New Column

  9. Select Text or Link

  10. Close the item view

  11. Navigate to Whimsical

  12. Open the Board, Wireframe or Project you wish to embed
    At the moment, it is not possible to embed Docs

  13. Click the Share button, in the top right corner
    Upon clicking on Share the URL will be copied to your clipboard

  14. Set the permission settings you would like
    Keep the following in mind:

    1. All permission settings will work

    2. Using the default settings will require users to login to see the embed

  15. Navigate back to and open the apps settings menu

  16. Paste the copied URL in the Whimsical Embedded URL field

  17. The Whimsical file you selected should be visible on your Item View now