Creating project links (v2.10.2)

Creating project links (v2.10.2)

After enabling the app and configuring the desired app settings, the next step is to create a project link. Before you start creating project links please make sure to understand the following implications:


  • Versions/Components are synchronised from one Source project to one or multiple Target project(s)

  • It is not possible to create a project link with a project that already acts as Source or Target project. 

  • Synchronisation is effective immediately, meaning that the app will start synchronising versions/components as soon as a project link is saved.

  • In case of simple synchronisation, the app will delete any versions/components in the Target project(s) that do not exist in the Source project


  • To make sure you fully understand the impact that Version & Component Sync has on your projects, we advise you to first test our app prior to configuring project links in a production environment. 

Taking into account the information above, here are the three most common scenario’s with regards to creating project links.

Creating project links


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