Supported Smart Values
1 |
| Returns the content in the issue's Description field. | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. |
2 |
| Returns the issue's key, which is a unique identifier comprised of the project key and the issue's number. For example, PROJ-123 | ABC-123 |
3 |
| Returns the name of the project this issue is a part of. | My new project |
4 |
| Returns the issue's status key | 10000 |
5 |
| Returns the issue's status name | Done |
6 |
| Returns the issue's summary | As a user I would like to log in |
7 |
| Returns the issue's type, for example Story, Bug, or Task. | Story |
8 |
| Returns the date the issue was updated. Can be combined with other date and time smart values. | 2022-09-29T11:26:07.3+0000 |
9 |
| Returns the issue's story point estimate (company-managed Jira Software Cloud only). | 123.0 |
10 |
| Returns the issue's story point estimate (team-managed Jira Software Cloud only). | 123.0 |
11 |
| Returns the issue's creation date. | 2022-09-29T11:26:07.3+0000 |
12 |
| Returns the issue's due date. | 2022-09-29T11:26:07.3+0000 |
13 |
| Returns the issue's assignee. | John Doe |
14 |
| Returns the issue's reporter. | Jane Doe |
15 |
| Returns the value of a custom field. | 123 |
16 |
| Returns the epic's key, e.g. PROJ-213 | ABC-1 |
17 |
| Returns the epic’s summary. | My new epic |
18 |
| Returns the epic's status, e.g. In progress | To Do |
19 |
| Returns the value in an epic's custom field. For example, if the epic has a custom field called Initiative, then {{issue.epic.Initiative}} will return the value in the Initiative field. | 456 |
20 |
| Returns the customer request type. | Emailed request |
21 |
| Returns the status of the current request. | Waiting for support |
22 |
| Returns the customer request type for older Jira instances. | Emailed request |
23 |
| Returns the URL of the issue. | |
24 |
| Returns the customer portal URL (for Jira Service Management requests) | |
25 |
| Returns the issue key of the subtask's parent issue. | ABC-3 |
26 |
| Returns the priority of the subtasks's parent issue. | Medium |
27 |
| Returns the issue key of the parent issue's epic. | ABC-4 |
28 |
| Returns the summary of the parent issue's epic. | My new epic |
29 |
| Returns the amount of time that has been logged on the issue in the Time spent field. | 3w 3h |
30 |
| Returns the value in the Time remaining field. | 0m |
31 |
| Prints the url of the Jira instance. |