Netlify for Confluence

Netlify for Confluence

Step-by-step installation guide

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an admin.

  2. Click on settings at the top right of your screen.

  3. Click Find new apps from the left-hand side of the page.

  4. Find Netlify for Confluence via search.
    The appropriate app version appears in the search results.

  5. Click Try free to begin a new trial for Netlify for Confluence

  6. Click Start free trial, Confluence will now download and install our awesome app!

How to use Netlify for Confluence

After installing the Netlify for Confluence app, it will become available as a Confluence Macro. If you want to embed Netlify sites into a Confluence page, log in to https://netlify.com and select the site you want to embed.

The Netlify for Confluence macro is specifically designed to only allow embeds of (public) previews of sites, not production sites running on custom domains. You can verify if you are trying to embed a (public) preview site by ensuring that the URL ends with netlify.app.

Embed using the project URL

Netlify for Confluence will automatically detect the site URL. Once you have opened the Netlify site, you can copy the URL from your address bar and paste it directly into your Confluence page. The Netlify for Confluence macro will open automatically.

You can edit the macro to adjust the dimensions:

  1. After selecting the macro, click on the Edit button to open the macro editor right side panel

  2. Select the desired dimensions & click insert
    Keep in mind that one of both dimensions (width & height) needs to be a css unit. Also note that height can only be an absolute unit (px, cm, etc) and not relative (%, em, etc)

  3. Publish your Confluence page & your Netlify site will become visible!
    Keep in mind that boards are read-only

Embed using the macro editor

  1. When editing a page, click on the plus button at the top right of your screen and click on Other macro’s or View more

  2. Search for Netlify for Confluence. Click on Hotjar for Confluence

  3. The macro editor right side panel will open, which will allow you to enter the URL of your Netlify site

  4. Select the desired dimensions & click insert
    Keep in mind that one of both dimensions (width & height) needs to be a css unit. Also note that height can only be an absolute unit (px, cm, etc) and not relative (%, em, etc)

  5. Publish your Confluence page & your Netlify site will become visible!
    Keep in mind that sites are read-only

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