

I’m getting an invalid URL error. What should I do?

Make sure that you’re using a secured link which starts with HTTPS. If your resource isn’t served over HTTPS, it can’t be embedded using our app.

I’m getting an unsupported URL error. What should I do?

In case this error shows up you are trying to embed a website that does not allow iFrame embedding. Depending on the situation you can resolve this issue yourself:

  • I own the website I’m trying to embed
    You can fix the error by Implementing an Access Control Allow Origin HTTP header. If you need additional information, please visit the mozilla docs for a more detailed explanation.

  • I do not own the website I’m trying to embed
    There is nothing we or you can do to resolve the error. Please get in touch with the company that owns the website and share the accompanying error.

What are X-Frame-Options & Content-Security-Policy header(s):

  • X-Frame-Options
    The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a iFrame. Read more about X-Frame-Options here.

  • Content-Security-Policy header(s)
    The HTTP Content-Security-Policy response header allows web site administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page. Read more about Content-Security-Policy header(s) here.

I’m getting a blank page when trying to embed a website. What should I do?

Ad blockers are usually the cause. Try to disable any ad blockers you are currently using.

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