
Step-by-step Installation guide

  1. Log into your Bitbucket instance as an admin.

  2. Go to the Bitbucket administration.

  3. Click Find new add-ons under the add-ons section.

  4. Locate Git Flow Chart via search.
    The appropriate app version appears in the search results.

  5. Click Try free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license for Git Flow Chart.
    You're prompted to log into MyAtlassian. Git Flow Chart begins to download.

  6. Jira will now download and install our awesome add-on (big grin) !

  7. Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.

  8. Click Apply license.
    If you're using an older version of UPM, you can copy and paste the license into your Jira instance.

Changes in Bitbucket

When Git Flow Chart (GFC) is installed you will see the following changes 

  1. When you go to one of your repositories there is a Git Flow Chart tab 
    As shown in Screenshot 1

  2. Version & Component Sync is shown on the Jira administration add-ons page. 
    As shown in Screenshot 2

  3. Go to our configuration page to find out how to configure Version & Component Sync correctly.

You can install the Git Flow Chart add-on using the Universal Plugin Manager from the Stash administration screen. After installation, a new navigation item called "Git Flow Chart" becomes available when browsing a repository.

The Git Flow Chart will create the initial tree graph using the most recent commits. While scrolling down the page, the graph will automatically collect more details as soon as it detects that it cannot draw the parent of one of the visible commits. A progress indicator is shown while loading new information and updating the graph. Please note that, depending on the complexity of the commit history, the UI might freeze while rebuilding the graph.

If you wish to zoom in on the inheritance tree of a specific commit, you can click on the commit message. This will highlight the commit and it's known parentage. You can undo the selection by clicking on the highlighted commit.

Because building the Git Flow Chart is complex, the information displayed might sometimes seem a bit odd. Please read the FAQ to see if there is anything you can do to improve the correctness of the graph.