Adding Loom Embedded to your Item View

  1. Install the Loom Embedded app

  2. Navigate to one of your boards or add a new board

  3. Click on one of the items on your board

  4. Click Add view

  5. Search and select the Adobe PDF app

  6. Click on Settings

  7. Click on the Select a column dropdown

  8. Click on Create New Column

  9. Select Text or Link

  10. Close the item view

  11. Navigate to

  12. In your Loom library click om/hoover over the video you would like to embed

  13. Click on the Copy link icon
    The URL to your video will now be copied to your pasteboard.

  14. Navigate back to and open the apps settings menu

  15. Paste the copied URL in the Adobe PDF Embedded URL field

  16. The video you selected should be visible on your Item View now